Xiphera and Crypto Quantique
nQrux® Hardware Trust Engines, together with QDID PUF (Physically Unclonable Function), provide quantum-resistance and immutable device identity for cryptographic hardware modules.
Xiphera’s nQrux® Hardware Trust Engines offer customisable cryptographic security modules, isolating cryptographic operations and application data into secure hardware elements. nQrux® solutions protect against both traditional and quantum computer attacks with Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC).
QDID PUF from Crypto Quantique generates quantum-derived, secure, unclonable identities based on manufacturing variations unique to each semiconductor chip. The PUF, alongside other cryptographic primitives, forms the essential hardware root-of-trust in security implementations.
The combination of nQrux® Hardware Trust Engines and QDID PUF provides the adaptability and upgradeability required to secure the connected devices. QDID creates random numbers on demand, and the PUF technology reduces the size of the flash memory needed, reducing power consumption and saving silicon area. As many industrial and governmental entities recommend implementing quantum-resistant hardware now, upgrading critical components with quantum-resilient nQrux® IP cores and QDID PUF protects identities and core security of hardware devices into the foreseeable future.